Join Us at The Regenerative Legacy Summit

How to Farm and Ranch for the Next Generation

August 13th-14th 2024 | 9 AM - 4 PM PST | Register Now

Empowering the Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers

Join Us at The Regenerative Legacy Summit: Empowering the Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers

August 13th -14th, 2024 | 9 AM - 4 PM PST | Register Now

Welcome to The Regenerative Legacy Summit, hosted by AG Steward with Jared Sorensen. Join us as we work together to create a thriving future for family farms and ranches. This summit is dedicated to empowering the next generation of agricultural leaders, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous legacy for the future.

Our Vision

At The Regenerative Legacy Summit, our vision is clear: "Farming and Ranching for the Next Generation." We believe in a future where agriculture is both profitable and sustainable, ensuring a thriving legacy for generations to come.

What You'll Learn

Here’s what you’ll gain from attending:

Profitability Without Subsidies

Discover how to achieve and maintain profitability without reliance on government subsidies.

Legacy Planning

Learn strategies to seamlessly transition family farms and ranches to future generations.

The Concept of "Regenerational" Farming

Empower the next generation with the desire, skills, and opportunities to enhance the family business.

Sustainable Cash Flow

Create a stable financial environment that supports quality of life, attracting and retaining the next generation in agriculture.

What You'll


Here’s what you’ll gain from attending:

Profitability Without Subsidies

Discover how to achieve and maintain profitability without reliance on government subsidies.

Legacy Planning

Learn strategies to seamlessly transition

family farms and ranches to future


The Concept of "Regenerational"

Empower the next generation with the desire, skills, and opportunities to enhance the

family business.

The Concept of "Regenerational"

Empower the next generation with the desire, skills, and opportunities to enhance the family business.

Transformative Learning

Get ready for two days filled with insights and experiences from industry leaders in regenerative agriculture.

Meet Your Host: Jared Sorensen

Jared and Selena have been married for 27 years and are the parents of nine children and one grandchild.They are 3rd generation ranchers, managing the operation Jared’s grandfather and father built in Secret Pass and Clover Valley, Nevada. Jared is a life-long learner and has been applying and teaching principles of holistic management, soil regeneration, and personal development.Jared has mentored many young people seeking to get a start in agriculture. The Sorensens raise and market grass-fed beef, teach onsite and virtual classes and offer internships on the ranch.

Keynote Speaker

*Joel Salatin*

With Special Guest Speakers:

Aj Richards

Alex Russell

Brian Dougherty

Cal Hardage

Clay Conry

Dan Probert

Doug Peterson

Dr. Jaime Garzon

Jeff Siewicki

Josh Adams

Melinda Sims

Michael Kilpatrick

Ray Milidoni

Richard and Tina McConnell

Rob Havard

Robert Masson

Sallie Calhoun

Seth Itzkan

Steve Campbell

Venessa Wood



"Very Excellent Summit. The variety and depth in the speakers exceeded expectations."


"Excellent information sharing over the last 2 days. Thank you for all the effort putting it all together."


"Thank you for the opportunity. These two days with you have been very productive and inspiring. God bless you for sharing your knowledge."


"Yes, this is an excellent summit. Very nicely balanced between production and mentorship subjects!"


"Thank you guys so much! I have really enjoyed the things. I have been able to hear and see! Thanks again!"


"Thank you to all the speakers to give us the opportunity to share and from other countries and to learn from all you experience... God bless you all..."

Aug 13th, 2024 I 09:00 AM to 4:00 PM PST

Join Us at The Regenerative Legacy Summit: Day 1

Aug 14th, 2024 I 09:00 AM to 4:00 PM PST

Join Us at The Regenerative Legacy Summit: Day 2


Jim Gerrish

" Why We Can't Continue Business as Usual"

Walter Lynn

"Regenerative Economics"

Brook LeVan

"Expanding Our Agrarian Tool Box - Biodynamics and Beyond - the other 50%"

Aug 13th, 2024 I 09:OO AM To 4PM PST

Join Us at The Regenerative Legacy Summit: Webinar Day 1

Aug 14th, 2024 I 09:OO AM To 4PM PST

Join Us at The Regenerative Legacy Summit: Webinar Day 2

Why should you attend?

Forge a Solid Legacy Plan

Equip yourself with the tools to create a lasting legacy for your agricultural business.

Connect with Experts

Learn from and network with 21 industry leaders and pioneers in regenerative agriculture.

Practical Insights

Gain actionable knowledge that you can apply to yourfarming or ranching business.

Build a Sustainable Future

Learn how to balance profitability with environmental stewardship and community wellbeing.

Our Sponsors!

Regenerating the World's Grasslands

Why should you attend?

Forge a Solid Legacy Plan

Equip yourself with the tools to create a

lasting legacy for your agricultural business.

Connect with Experts

Learn from and network with 20 industry leaders and pioneers in regenerative agriculture.

Practical Insights

Gain actionable knowledge that you can apply to your farming or ranching business.

Build a Sustainable Future

Learn how to balance profitability with environmental stewardship and community wellbeing.

Regenerating the World's Grasslands


Send My Invite Now!

Register now to secure your spot at The Regenerative Legacy Summit and join us in shaping a sustainable

future for agriculture.